Dianosic laureate of the i-Lab 2019 innovation contest
The jury of the prestigious “i-Lab” innovation contest, organized by the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, in partnership with BPI France, has rendered its verdict…. Dianosic is proud to inform you that we are laureate of this 21st edition of the contest.
Its objective is to identify innovative technologies from startups and to support the best of them with a financial grant. Laureates must bring a Proof of Concept and demonstrate the innovative character of their technology, its economic viability, its development potential (including internationally), the motivation and ability of the team to run a company, the quality and complementarity of the team and robustness of the IP strategy. Dianosic has met expectations on all those dimensions.
Being laureate of this top notch contest will allow us to significantly boost our project and give it a great visibility as we move forward. A huge thank you to all our partners in this exciting venture: SEMIA (our incubator in Strasbourg), Conectus, Biovalley France, the Région Grand-Est, BPI Alsace and Adira.